day of duty meaning in Chinese
- However , if the failure to levy duties partially or entirely is caused by the violation of competent provisions on the part of taxpayers , the customs may pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years , starting from the day of duty payment or access being granted to goods ; the customs may also levy a late fee of 5 / 10 , 000 of the amount not levied , starting from the day of duty payment or access being granted to goods
但因纳税义务人违反规定造成少征或者漏征税款的,海关可以自缴纳税款或者货物放行之日起3年内追征税款,并从缴纳税款或者货物放行之日起按日加收少征或者漏征税款万分之五的滞纳金。 - In cases where the customs discovers that duties are not levied at all or only partially on goods under the customs supervision due to the violation of regulations on the part of taxpayers , it shall pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years , starting from the day of duty payment , and also levy a late fee of 5 / 10 , 000 of the amount not levied , starting from the day of duty payment